Design thinking inspired IIOT Business focused Use Cases propel Marketing success

Design thinking inspired IIOT digital transformation does not sideline the excitement of advances in quantum computing, utilizing digital-twins versus legacy simulation with real-time -a huge technology WOW factors. This future gravitas would render itself surmountable value if we included real customers, marketing and sales stakeholders in the product innovation and audience discovery sessions.
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IIOT – Manufacturing reimagined for Industry 4.0

IIOT 4.0
IIoT harnesses the power of smart machines and real-time analysis to make better use of the data that industrial machines have been churning out for years. The principal driver of IIoT is smart machines, for two reasons. The first is that smart machines capture and analyze data in real-time, which humans cannot. The second is that smart machines communicate their findings in a manner that is simple and fast, enabling faster and more accurate business decisions.
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The emotions generated by colors

man showing distress
Emotions invoked with colors first written by Goethe and Schiller in 1798/9. The diagram matches twelve colors to human occupations or their character traits, grouped in the four temperaments:
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Google delay cookie removal until 2023

Google delays Cookie removal until 2023 - S. Ernest Paul
Google plays a central role in the online advertising ecosystem. It owns the dominant tools used to broker the sale of ads across the web. Cookies, small bits of code stored in web browsers to track users across the web, are widely used in the industry, including in Google’s Chrome browser, which has 65% of the market globally, according to Statcounter.
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The Big Healthcare Fix

Innovation in Healthcare - S. Ernest Paul
Healthcare its core is maximizing value for patients: that is, achieving the best outcomes at the lowest cost. We must move away from a supply-driven health care system organized around what physicians do and toward a patient-centered system organized around what patients need. We must shift the focus from the volume and profitability of services provided, physician visits, hospitalizations, procedures, and tests to the patient outcomes achieved. And we must replace today’s fragmented system, in which every local provider offers a full range of services, with a system in which services for particular medical conditions are concentrated in health-delivery organizations and in the right locations to deliver high-value care.
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